–posted June 29, 2008
Melbourne Ratha Yatra 2006
Whew, after a few hours of mucking around I’ve just managed to fix up my web server and get the Ratha-yatra pictures on line. The deity shots aren’t the best either. The colour balance was out. I mucked up the white balance settings. You’ll get the general idea though. That line contains just over 200 devotees in all.
Melbourne Ratha Yatra 2005
I’ve posted shots from the Ratha-yatra celebrations. Thanks to Arun Bilgi for the shots. If you’ve got some good pics of the event send me a half a dozen or so and I’ll post them to the site.
About 150 attended a well organised procession. Well organised means, we stopped and started on time. Lord Jagannatha was back on the altar with one minute to spare before the arati.
The feast was a big hit also. Thanks to Braja Basi and Acintya Rupa.
One of the reasons why I prefer not to advertise the Ratha-yatra festival widely is we already have a big turn out. If it got any bigger we would have to use the street for our procession. That would mean seeking council permits and having a lot more security than we do at present. As it is we take over the whole street for at least 50 metres at a stretch. Anything bigger than that and we might find the locals complaining.
I hear devotees talking of holding a bigger parade in the future. It’s a good idea but we will have to do a lot of homework and fund-raising to pull off a bigger event.