Lecture – SB 10.3.1-5 Proper Acting Is The Result Of Attentive Hearing

SB 10.03.01-05 Proper Acting Is The Result Of Attentive Hearing 1997-01-31

Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 10.3.1-5 Proper Acting Is The Result Of Attentive Hearing 1997-01-31 Radhadesh

Lecture – SB 9.13.4-5 – Vasistha vs Vishvamitra 07-12-2010–Video

Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 9, Chapter 13, Texts 4 & 5 titled “Vasistha vs. Vishvamitra”. Dallas, TX 2010-07-12

Srimad Bhagavatam 9.13.4

sishyavyatikramam vikshya

tam nirvartyagato guruh

asapat patatad deho

nimeh panditamaninah


After completing the sacrificial performance for King Indra, the spiritual master Vasishtha returned and found that his disciple Maharaja Nimi had disobeyed his instructions. Thus Vasishtha cursed him, saying, “May the material body of Nimi, who considers himself learned, immediately fall.”

Srimad Bhagavatam 9.13.5

nimih pratidadau sapam


tavapi patatad deho

lobhad dharmam ajanatah


For unnecessarily cursing him when he had committed no offense, Maharaja Nimi countercursed his spiritual master. “For the sake of getting contributions from the King of heaven,” he said, “you have lost your religious intelligence. Therefore I pronounce this curse: your body also will fall.”


The religious principle for a brahmana is that he should not be greedy at all. In this case, however, for the sake of more lucrative remunerations from the King of heaven, Vasishtha neglected Maharaja Nimi‘s request on this planet, and when Nimi performed the sacrifices with other priests, Vasishtha unnecessarily cursed him. When one is infected by contaminated activities, his power, material or spiritual, reduces. Although Vasishtha was the spiritual master of MaharajaNimi, because of his greed he became fallen.

SB 09.13.04-5 Vasistha Vs Vishvamitra 2010-07-12

Lecture – SB 9.9.45 Different Elements Of Ecstacy In Krishna Consciousness

SB 09.09.45 Different Elements Of Ecstacy In Krishna Consciousness 2003-02-10

Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 9.9.45 Different Elements Of Ecstacy In Krishna Consciousness 2003-02-10 Perth (external pastimes)